[week 2] Friends and Social media

It seems that I can’t live without social media, I am not sure when this feeling come to my life, but it make me scared:(

every morning, when I open my eyes, the first thing is to take My IPhone from table beside my bed and then check the moments by using WeChat(a social app from china).I will get up until I have browsed all the new moments and deal with the fresh request. I can’t remember how many friends that I have added to my social circle, which means how many people will see me if I share my moments. At the beginning, I did not mind share my life or currently feeling although maybe it suggest that my life is not good, such as I failed test or I someone broken my heart. May be The reason that I still want to share these awful moments is that I want to take some comfort from my “virtual friends”, perhaps this also would be seen by someone who hurt me…wechat_600x4001200x800

However, I gradually recognized although maybe I received lots of warm comments, it is not means these guys all are my connections-true friends. Just type some words then click send is not enough to represent a friendship. We don’t really know the real face under the mask of the social media. I ‘m more and more confused about the meaning of the social media, does this make us become closer or farther?  Almost every day we add new friends, it seems that make friends easier that before, but the numbers of people who are willing to give hands to you when you in trouble are actually not increase.

In addition, almost all my friends connect with each other by using this way, so if I get away from it may be I will be isolated from the outside world. It force my life have huge change. I still remember when I was a little girl, I always read book before I go to sleep. I preferred play with my friends and communicate face to face. Now the social media become the main way that I access to the new information and connect to the virtual social circle. I think it make me forget how to communicate with the real world.


4 thoughts on “[week 2] Friends and Social media

  1. Hello Cynthia,
    What you have said is true to everyone’s lifestyle at the present context. Even the first thing I do is check my mobile, FB comes first, and then other emails. Social media has totally changed the process of people communicating with each other. It led us to live and enjoy in virtual world, friendships, playing games, means of entertainment has all become social media now. And, the thing I fear of is how will the life be if someday there will be no social medias available at all?? :O



    1. Well,that would be disaster If social medias disappeared~ most people rely on the virtual world and maybe lost in there. But there are lots of people have realized this ~ I hope the balance between the real world and virtual word will be found by lots of social media addict~


  2. Couldn’t agree more – that despite its many positive opportunities in helping people to connect ( eg., includes my personal experience of locating my school friends who live far away in Europe and i had no contact with them for the last 20 years!) social media has a negative impact of your real live communication skills. the more i communicate online the less i feel like communicating in real life. I suspect that it brings me to communication exhaustion – when i fulfill my daily communication limit and don’t experience desire to more communication.
    This is sad – that social media pushed away real life communication with your friends and families.

    Hope that you will find a great balance when social media and real life communication can live in harmony and not in disagreement.


    1. Sorry for replying late ~ Actually, I still want to escape from the social media recently. But I must return to this blog since it is one of the unit of this semester…As you said, I need find balance~Thank you for your advice ~


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